Management Support
Real Estate Advisoring
Counter Party Research
Investiments Project


GLOBAL SYNERGY HOLD, founded in 2013, is an operative holding depending on societies which conduct their own activity in the professional fields of real estate management and administration, partner research and new market development for those Companies which want to start an international path.

With a taylor-made approach, our activities are custom-made for the Clients, to support them when conducting their ordinary activities and to enforce the business projects.

We stay by them during the changing process, to gather the new business opportunities, to identify the best business strategies and we are committed to realize them together. We care about our Clients, we work for them and with them.


GSH produces ad-hoc software and offers IT consultancy to companies.

This department has as its mission the supply of specific services in the information technology sector, also including software assistance, planning and design of information systems; with the skilful integration of Hardware, Software and programming technologies dedicated to the customer’s needs.

A nascent part of the department deals with Business Intelligence, for the collection and analysis of company data to facilitate the choice of strategic paths to be addressed.


Direct presence in the Countries

360° Assistance

International Network

Overview analysis for each project


Global Synergy Hold can offer every kind of service and conduct activities in the different fields, according to the specific needs of the Clients, through its business consultancy and/or in partnership with its network of partners and experts. The main aim of GSH is to convert its knowledge into an added value for its clients.


Temporary Manager and Temporary Executive or Operating Manager finalized to the management of the process company changing or the temporary replacement of open management roles;

Management consulting, public relations, studies, researches, marketing analysis;

Support for the strategic company plan;


To add value, to manage and to invest in an efficient, clever and responsible way are the tasks that GSH assumes towards its Clients.

Investments in the real and goods field;

Development and planning of real estate solutions;

Real estate management.


Marketing research and feasibility study, start up assistance and reinforcement of business activities abroad. Find the best market abroad for your product and find out how to manage business in that market.

We offer the companies the research and the employees management, the establishment of new branches, supplying of sub-contracts with specialized companies which offer component parts of the finished product, acquisition of block of shares of competitors or companies which product complementary goods, strategic and operative support for the communication in the foreign market.


If you wish to realize new investments and productive cooperation, joint ventures or opening marketing branches abroad, you will be able to access to the evaluation and supplying of assistance and consulting service, to be in the best position to realize your venture.

The service will allow you to access all the information about the possible risk in the country, the analysis of investment possibility, fiscal, contractual, corporate, administrative assistance, research and selection of suppliers, identification of the productive site and everything else estimated to be necessary.


The Society has a Code of Conduct which summarizes the expectations and the responsibilities towards its employees and its stakeholder.

Close to the general principles of respect of the law, directness, honesty, loyalty, integrity and correctness, the Code of Conduct underlines the system of values and the behavior rules which

characterize the relationship with the employees, partners, business partners, institutions and in general with every other carrier of interest.

Through the adoption of a Code of Conduct, GSH intends to recognize legal relevance and compulsory efficacy to the ethical principles and the behavior standards as long as communicating and promoting it values even outside its reality and abroad.

The Code of Conduct rules addresses to managers, employees, partners, administrators with no exceptions and to all those people who, directly or indirectly, permanently or occasionally, establish with the Society, to any right, working or supplying relationships or which operate in the interest of the Society itself.

contact information

Global Synergy Hold SRL
Str . Biharia 26 | Bucuresti | Romania |
Registration code 31610157
Nr. din R.C. J40/5919/2013